The First Micro­bio­tic Concept
to Pro­tect against and Soothe
Bac­te­ri­al Throat Infections

The First Micro­bio­tic Concept
to Pro­tect against and Soothe
Bac­te­ri­al Throat Infections

The First Micro­bio­tic Concept
to Pro­tect against and Soothe
Bac­te­ri­al Throat Infections

For the throat

For the throat



The Bioactive

Micro­bio­me of throat and pharynx

BELANO’s ingre­dient sal­va­ns® is a bio­ac­ti­ve spe­ci­fi­cal­ly direc­ted against the inflamma­to­ry bac­te­ri­um Strep­to­coc­cus pyo­ge­nes. This bac­te­ri­um is the main cau­se of bac­te­ri­al throat infec­tions. sal­va­ns®effec­tively binds to the harm­ful germs and thus lowers the risk of inflamma­ti­on in throat and pha­rynx and encou­ra­ges healing.

Your new business opportunity


Alter­na­ti­ve stra­te­gy without anti­bio­tics for bac­te­ri­al infec­tions of throat and pharynx

Micro­bi­om pro­ducts often repre­sent a sup­ple­ment and alter­na­ti­ve to con­ven­tio­nal the­ra­peu­tic approa­ches. They offer tre­at­ment opti­ons in cases whe­re doc­tors today are very restric­ti­ve in pre­scrib­ing anti­bio­tics and can­not offer the pati­ent a sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly based cau­sal tre­at­ment. With incre­a­sing inte­rest in self-medi­ca­ti­on, alter­na­ti­ve tre­at­ment con­cepts are gai­ning in importance. 

With sal­va­ns® we offer you the first micro­bio­tic con­cept for the pre­ven­ti­on and reli­ef of sore throats cau­sed by strep­to­coc­ci. Our micro­bio­me pro­ducts for the throat are posi­tio­ned as an alter­na­ti­ve or sup­ple­ment to con­ven­tio­nal throat therapeutics.



Inno­va­ti­ve mode-of-action

With our con­cept of tar­ge­ted regu­la­ti­on of the micro­bio­me, we are pur­suing a com­ple­te­ly new, inno­va­ti­ve con­cept. This makes it pos­si­ble to effec­tively tre­at not only the sym­ptoms but also the cau­ses of bac­te­ri­al throat com­p­laints. The use of anti­bio­tics could even be avoided in some cases. The mode of action has been shown in pre­cli­ni­cal tests.

Our acti­ve ingre­dient is deri­ved from our own paten­ted pro­bio­tic lac­tic acid bac­te­ria. The high­ly effec­ti­ve com­pon­ents are iso­la­ted using high-tech pro­ces­ses. Our pro­ducts do not con­tain any life micro­or­ga­nism, harm­ful side effects of living micro­or­ga­nisms are exclu­ded. The acti­vi­ty of our acti­ve ingre­dients are tes­ted in micro­bio­lo­gi­cal effect tests. All pro­ducts lea­ve our com­pa­ny only after suc­cess­ful tes­ting. Our acti­ve ingre­dients are patent-protected. 



Our offer to com­mer­cial customers

The acti­ve ingre­dient sal­va­ns® Micro­biotics is suc­cess­ful­ly used in the pro­ducts and solu­ti­ons we pro­vi­de. We offer the fol­lowing opti­ons to our cor­po­ra­te or com­mer­cial customers:

  • Rea­dy-made end products
  • Pri­va­te label products
  • Cus­to­mi­sed pro­duct variants
  • The acti­ve ingre­dient sal­va­ns® Microbiotics

salvans® microbiome products

salvans halspastillen verpackung

salvans® throat lozenges

Medi­cal device

sal­va­ns® throat lozen­ges are a cer­ti­fied medi­cal device for the pre­ven­ti­on of bac­te­ri­al strep­to­coc­cal infec­tions of the mouth and throat. The spe­cial for­mu­la­ti­on with the acti­ve ingre­dients sal­va­ns® and mar­sh­mal­low root extract alle­via­tes acu­te throat com­p­laints. sal­va­ns® spe­ci­fi­cal­ly aggre­ga­tes and blocks the bac­te­ri­um Strep­to­coc­cus pyo­ge­nes, which is respon­si­ble for throat inflamma­ti­on, thus redu­cing the bac­te­ri­al load in the throat and pharynx.

sal­va­ns® throat lozen­ges the­re­fo­re com­bat not only the sym­ptoms but also the causes.

The pack con­tains 24 lozen­ges with a high dosa­ge of acti­ve ingre­dients in a blis­ter pack. The bran­ding is done accord­ing to your spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons. The deli­very is made up rea­dy for sale.

Plea­se con­ta­ct us for your indi­vi­du­al offer.

Con­ta­ct us

salvans halsbonbons

salvans® throat candies

The food supplement

sal­va­ns® throat can­dies have a balan­ced pro­por­ti­on of acti­ve ingre­dients. They sup­port the throat micro­bio­me in the long term.

The com­po­si­ti­on of the ingre­dients can be adjus­ted for cer­tain effect statements.

sal­va­ns® throat can­dies are offe­red exclu­si­ve­ly as your own brand. The bran­ding is done accord­ing to your spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons. The deli­very is made up rea­dy for sale.

salvans wirkstoff

salvans® Microbiotics

Acti­ve substance

sal­va­ns® Micro­biotics is the first micro­bio­tic acti­ve ingre­dient that acts spe­ci­fi­cal­ly against Strep­to­coc­cus pyo­ge­nes without antibiotics.

sal­va­ns® Micro­biotics is pro­tec­ted by patent.

sal­va­ns® Micro­biotics is avail­ab­le as an acti­ve ingre­dient for the pro­duc­tion of food pro­ducts for the throat and pha­rynx. The acti­ve ingre­dient is pro­du­ced on an indus­tri­al sca­le. Qua­li­ty, effect and sta­bi­li­ty are con­ti­nuous­ly monitored

sal­va­ns® Micro­biotics is pro­vi­ded as a food ingre­dient in pow­der form. It can be used in many ways, such as lozen­ges, sweets or syrup. The deli­very takes place as bulk goods in alu­mi­ni­um bags.

Plea­se con­ta­ct us for your indi­vi­du­al offer.

Con­ta­ct us

Scientific background

The main cau­se of bac­te­ri­al throat infec­tion and pha­ryn­gi­tis is the bac­te­ri­um Strep­to­coc­cus pyo­ge­nes.

Strep­to­coc­cus pyo­ge­nes is a fre­quent­ly occur­ring bac­te­ri­um of the throat and pha­ryn­ge­al muco­sa. When the mucous mem­bra­nes are expo­sed to dry hea­ting air, tal­king or sin­ging, and abo­ve all to viral infec­tions, the diver­se inter­ac­tion of the bac­te­ri­al world in the throat and pha­rynx comes to a standstill. The bac­te­ri­um can mul­ti­ply patho­lo­gi­cal­ly and attack the muco­sal cells. The natu­ral pro­tec­ti­ve func­tion of the mucous mem­bra­nes is des­troy­ed and the throat micro­bio­me beco­mes unbalanced.

Con­ven­tio­nal throat the­ra­peu­tics have their limits here if they only relie­ve sym­ptoms. If an anti­bio­tic is used, not only the harm­ful bac­te­ria but also the use­ful ones are fought. The throat micro­bio­me is destroyed.

sal­va­ns® Micro­biotics is the first micro­bio­tic acti­ve ingre­dient that acts spe­ci­fi­cal­ly against Strep­to­coc­cus pyo­ge­nes without antibiotics. 

The mode of action

salvans wirkungsweise wirkstoff

Active ingredient

The sur­face of the acti­ve ingre­dient sal­va­ns® Micro­biotics has a high con­ta­ct affi­ni­ty for the inflamma­to­ry bac­te­ri­um Strep­to­coc­cus pyo­ge­nes.

salvans wirkungsweise andocken


The acti­ve ingre­dient sal­va­ns® Micro­biotics and the inflamma­to­ry bac­te­ri­um Strep­to­coc­cus pyo­ge­nes are get­ting clo­se. Once sur­faces touch, S. pyo­ge­nes binds to the acti­ve ingre­dient wit­hin milliseconds.

salvans wirkungsweise co-aggregation


Lumps are for­med from the acti­ve ingre­dient sal­va­ns® and S. pyo­ge­nes. Due to their sur­face struc­tures, the acti­ve ingre­dient and the inflamma­to­ry germ beco­me ent­an­gled. This bond is cal­led co-aggregation.

salvans wirkungsweise abtransport


The aggre­ga­tes are dis­po­sed of with the sali­va flow.

The microbiotic active ingredient

Our micro­bio­tic acti­ve ingre­dient sal­va­ns® has the pro­per­ty of bin­ding the inflamma­to­ry germ S. pyo­ge­nes to its­elf and pre­ven­ting it from bin­ding to the mucous mem­bra­ne. This redu­ces the popu­la­ti­on of this bac­te­ri­um. The micro­bio­me in the throat and pha­rynx is streng­t­he­ned and brought back into balance.

Fur­ther­mo­re, sal­va­ns® throat lozen­ges pla­ces a pro­tec­ti­ve film on the mucous mem­bra­nes. The natu­ral­ly exis­ting secre­ti­on film of the mucous mem­bra­ne can regenerate.

The acti­ve ingre­dient is deri­ved from a uni­que strain of the lac­tic acid bac­te­ri­um Lac­to­ba­c­il­lus cris­pa­tus. Using a micro­bio­lo­gi­cal pro­cess, bac­te­ria are sepa­ra­ted and opti­mi­sed with regard to their bin­ding capacity.