The Bioactive
Microbiome of throat and pharynx BELANO’s ingredient salvans® is a bioactive specifically directed against the inflammatory bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes. This bacterium is the main cause of bacterial throat infections. salvans®effectively binds to the harmful germs and thus lowers the risk of inflammation in throat and pharynx and encourages healing.
Your new business opportunity
Alternative strategy without antibiotics for bacterial infections of throat and pharynx Microbiom products often represent a supplement and alternative to conventional therapeutic approaches. They offer treatment options in cases where doctors today are very restrictive in prescribing antibiotics and cannot offer the patient a scientifically based causal treatment. With increasing interest in self-medication, alternative treatment concepts are gaining in importance.
With salvans® we offer you the first microbiotic concept for the prevention and relief of sore throats caused by streptococci. Our microbiome products for the throat are positioned as an alternative or supplement to conventional throat therapeutics.

Innovative mode-of-action With our concept of targeted regulation of the microbiome, we are pursuing a completely new, innovative concept. This makes it possible to effectively treat not only the symptoms but also the causes of bacterial throat complaints. The use of antibiotics could even be avoided in some cases. The mode of action has been shown in preclinical tests.
Our active ingredient is derived from our own patented probiotic lactic acid bacteria. The highly effective components are isolated using high-tech processes. Our products do not contain any life microorganism, harmful side effects of living microorganisms are excluded. The activity of our active ingredients are tested in microbiological effect tests. All products leave our company only after successful testing. Our active ingredients are patent-protected.

Our offer to commercial customers The active ingredient salvans® Microbiotics is successfully used in the products and solutions we provide. We offer the following options to our corporate or commercial customers:
- Ready-made end products
- Private label products
- Customised product variants
- The active ingredient salvans® Microbiotics

salvans® microbiome products

Scientific background
The main cause of bacterial throat infection and pharyngitis is the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes.
Streptococcus pyogenes is a frequently occurring bacterium of the throat and pharyngeal mucosa. When the mucous membranes are exposed to dry heating air, talking or singing, and above all to viral infections, the diverse interaction of the bacterial world in the throat and pharynx comes to a standstill. The bacterium can multiply pathologically and attack the mucosal cells. The natural protective function of the mucous membranes is destroyed and the throat microbiome becomes unbalanced.
Conventional throat therapeutics have their limits here if they only relieve symptoms. If an antibiotic is used, not only the harmful bacteria but also the useful ones are fought. The throat microbiome is destroyed.
salvans® Microbiotics is the first microbiotic active ingredient that acts specifically against Streptococcus pyogenes without antibiotics.
The mode of action

Active ingredient
The surface of the active ingredient salvans® Microbiotics has a high contact affinity for the inflammatory bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes.

The active ingredient salvans® Microbiotics and the inflammatory bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes are getting close. Once surfaces touch, S. pyogenes binds to the active ingredient within milliseconds.

Lumps are formed from the active ingredient salvans® and S. pyogenes. Due to their surface structures, the active ingredient and the inflammatory germ become entangled. This bond is called co-aggregation.

The aggregates are disposed of with the saliva flow.
The microbiotic active ingredient
Our microbiotic active ingredient salvans® has the property of binding the inflammatory germ S. pyogenes to itself and preventing it from binding to the mucous membrane. This reduces the population of this bacterium. The microbiome in the throat and pharynx is strengthened and brought back into balance.
Furthermore, salvans® throat lozenges places a protective film on the mucous membranes. The naturally existing secretion film of the mucous membrane can regenerate.
The active ingredient is derived from a unique strain of the lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus crispatus. Using a microbiological process, bacteria are separated and optimised with regard to their binding capacity.